I have a new facebook page!
Well kind of. After thinking about it for a long time, I decided to delete completely my Facebook account and the pages that were linked to it. Got tired of all the fake friends, the negativity I was seeing on my timeline and a few other things. So I decided a fresh start on social networks (did the same on Twitter). Now I have a new Facebook profile with only my family and close friends (and some exceptions) and 2 new Facebook pages. The only things I didn't delete are my Instagram accounts.
Facebook Page / Instagram 1: https://www.facebook.com/SandreamTreasures80/ / https://www.instagram.com/sandrinebaggins (if you want to see all the cool stuff I find on the beach)
Facebook Page / Instagram 2 (if you're into spirituallity): https://www.facebook.com/sandreamspirituality80 / https://www.instagram.com/sandream_spirituality
