Yes, a lot of you are probably wondering how I proceed when I do a reading for someone so I'm going to tell you. It's pretty straight forward.
First I like doing the readings remotely. Yep you don't need to be in front of me to get a reading which means you can contact me from anywhere in the world if you want a reading. It is a false belief to think that readings can only be done in person (same goes for energy healings).
When I do a reading I record an audio using my phone and using a microphone. I use different oracle decks and I tell you the messages I'm getting while looking at the cards.
Once it's done, I take photos of all the cards and convert the audio into MP3.
I then prepare a document on which I insert all the photos and a wetransfer link of the audio for you to be able to download it.
And voilà . You just have to listen to the recording while looking at the photos.
See, it's pretty easy. If you feel ready now to get a reading just have a look here:
A lot of people have so why not you?